Hadith narrated by Aisha R.A. where she heard the Prophet Muhammad S.A.W said: "Verily, black seed can heal all illnesses except Al-Sam." I asked "What is Al-Sam?. He said," Al-Sam is death." (Narrated by Bukhari)
If you have the following symptoms, Jerslin Oil Power Oil is the answer:
- Gastric / sinus.
- Headaches / migraines.
- Kidney pain.
- Constipation / diarrhea / piles.
- Diabetes / high blood pressure.
- Vaginal infection / discharge.
- Joint pain or knee swelling.
- Muscle spasm / knot lizards.
- Impotence / lack of libido.
- Gout.
- Rough skin / pigmentation.
- Pain Guts
- Bloated stomach.
- Difficulty in breathing.
- Cough and nasal congestion.
- Tumor / cancer / tumor.
- Not excited / exhausted.
- Food poisoning.
- Stroke / stroke.
- Paralysis.
- Flu.
- Allergies / allergic.
- Menopause.
- Imbalance hormone
- Dysmenorrheal.
- Emotions are not balanced.
- High cholesterol.
Jerslin Power ingredients contains black seed “Nigella Sativa” or Black Cumin and selected herbs, do not need to be added into drink just a massage to the illness point and has no side effects. It is safe to be used individuals of all ages and pregnant women. It is halal and it is packed in 30ml bottles.
kenapa minyak jerslin botol hijau berbau strawberi ? sedangkan ia sepatutnya berbau pewangi/herba . ramai pelanggan yang ingin membeli minyak jerslin berbau pewangi/herba merungut kerana ia berbau strawberi . mereka lebih sukakan minyak yang berbau pewangi/herba . harap pihak yang berkenaan lebih peka dengan pengisian minyak ke dalam botolnya supaya pelanggan lebih berpuas hati dengan keberkesanan ubat itu .